Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Treat Yoself

After a good binge on Netflix all morning/afternoon reminiscing on old episodes of Private Practice (TAYE DIGGS YOU BABE), I pulled myself ~almost~ together.I was surprised at my ability to make it out of the house in one piece. I have noticed a slight decline in my presentability for the general public: Sweats x sweats x sweats.
(Note: Karl Lagerfeld believes that once one has reached this point in life, adorning sweats as a daily ritual, one has lost control of their life. With this philosophy, the man should really be in the ranks of Socrates and Plato.)
But I am alone in a big city waiting for a change in lifestyle. Feeling needy, I decided to take myself out.
I visited the DeYoung, a fave museum of mine, in Golden Gate Park.
They have had a long running exhibit dedicated to Bvlgari, the Italian jewelry powerhouse: La Dolce Vita and Beyond. The stones, the colors, the designs, the beauty. It was fvcking magical. People are amazing; creators are amazing. 
I continued my day at the Westfield Mall downtown, because really, who wouldn't. 
Classy museum visits paired with food courts and tourists. 
But I told myself I am classy and fabulous and I deserve it.
*celfie dans la dressing room de Victoria’s Secret*
Then the remainder of the night went down like this:
*Me stalling downtown waiting for a text, simultaneously craving a burger and fries.
*Growing more and more pathetic waiting and stalling, while various burger establishments close because San Francisco can’t stay up later than sunset.
*Jesus Christ get a hold on yourself. DO NOT give up on this hamburger.
*Gets on the next bus to get that damn burger that should have been eaten 2 damn hours ago.
*checks phone: 1) time is 945, burger place closes at 10. 2) Said Text message.
********Stupid asshole**********
And that’s when I decided the moral of this story:
A man will never take the place of good food.
And dating yourself is probably the best/most healthy thing that can ever happen to you.
Treat yoself to culture and class.
And trashy mall dates.
Because you are worth it.

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